Silent Auction
We are REALLY excited about this year’s Silent Auction! Because PTO provides free admittance to SES students, funds from the silent auction go a huge way in offsetting costs of the Carnival, which in turn allows us to support your classrooms better each year. Some of the auction items available are: dermaplane + facial, private baseball or softball lessons, horseback riding lessons, family admission to 25-26 high school sports, a family photo session, Rec registration + basket, and so much more!
Volunteers Needed
We cannot emphasize enough the need for parent, staff, or high school volunteers. We will not be able to support the games if we cannot staff them with volunteers to oversee them, as well as set up and tear down assistance. Any help communicating, signing up, or even sharing on social media would be SO appreciated. Day of volunteers to run games are highly necessary! If we do not have enough volunteers to run booths, we cannot have the carnival! We’ve divided time slots into smaller time sections, so you will still have plenty of time with your children.
We are also looking for Organization Volunteers! We need coordinators to help coordinate booth preparation and set up, recruit food trucks, run concessions, and more! If you are interested, please reach out!!
Donations Needed
Each year, PTO asks for students to bring in 2 liters for the loop a liter (grades K, 2, and 4), and peanut free snack cakes (grades 1, 3, and 5) for the cookie + cake walk. We also ask each grade to put together a themed donation basket. Your help in hyping the children up and sending reminders to the parents for these items are a HUGE asset. Each grade is asked to participate in donating to a themed silent auction basket as follows:
K: Arts + Crafts 1: Family Movie Night 2. Chocolate Lovers
3. Coffee Basket 4: Candy Crazy 5. Family Game Night
Entry Fees
Sheridan Elementary PTO is celebrating a great school year with a Spring Carnival and Silent Auction! Game play for all SES Students is FREE with their wristband. For any additional adults or children wishing to join in the fun, wristbands can be purchased for $5.00 each. Volunteers receive free game play/admission! Each wristband includes unlimited game play.
The Spring Carnival is a family event and we welcome all members of your family and our community to join us in the fun!
Food and Concessions
PTO has partnered with Sheridan Fine Arts Boosters for popcorn and Church for concessions this year (cash only)- fresh grilled hot dogs and hamburgers anyone? New this year- the Spring Carnival will host several food trucks in the circle drive!